
confident employee

Hire with Confidence

  • Identify the most suitable candidates using  pre-employment assessments.
  • Behavior Based Interviewing.  Gain confidence in your  interview process with intuitive questions and techniques.
  • Match candidates with jobs that fit their inherent capabilities with information developed using the Harrison Assessment.
emp develop

Enhanced Employee Development

  • Develop tailored On Boarding services that enhance the new employee’s initial experience
  • Identify opportunities to enhance performance and maximize an individual’s contribution to an organization
  • Explore emotional intelligence
  • Establish a team oriented culture
  • Incorporate employee ideas/feedback
  • Discover and nurture leaders
  • Executive Coaching

Career Sustainment

  • Develop techniques to establish and communicate expectations
  • Establish Performance Appraisal Methodologies
  • Career Management
  • Succession Planning

Creative Leadership

“Do the right thing right!” – Everyone nods, everyone knows what is required, but only few know “how”.  Harrison Assessment profiles makes the reasons for differences in performance more obvious. We help break the outcomes from routine training and coaching methodologies that lead to mediocre performance and show both employee’s and managers that they can soar to new heights and conquer new territory. Visions, settings, and  values ​​are put to the test with Creative Leadership our goal for for your development


Our advisory and coaching services focus on long term and short term planning for organizations and individuals, identifying the culture of the organization, determining who will be the best fit for the organization, and developing the human potential.


Comprehensive Career Testing

The Harrison Career Test provides comprehensive career testing for career seekers, career counselors, and universities. Our 25 minute work preference questionnaire and career test measures 175 characteristics and has been used by over 2 million people. The test is geared towards career seekers and includes an interactive, online portal which allows the user to see more than 650 careers. The sites for career counselors and school systems have a separate platform, allowing the administrator to manage clients and students, run data on reports, and provide holistic insight into the test-takers’ results.


Next Steps…

If you want to hire the right person, sustain their enthusiasm, and succeed as a business, CONTACT US.   Insights Into Success specializes in creative solutions, based on the Harrison Assessment, that empower organizations and their employees to progress as a team by maximizing performance  and sustaining growth.